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Widex UNIQUE 440

The premium model of the Widex UNIQUE hearing aid is the 440 series. The 440 has up to five listening programs. Besides the main (or, as Widex calls it, the "Universal") program, you can have one for the TV, music listening, reducing background noise more effectively, and others. The 440 also has more internal adjustments that the hearing professional can use to fine tune the instruments, which will give you the best possible fitting. The 440 has 15 channel analysis and processing, True Sound Softener (which cuts down sharp high frequency sounds without sacrificing the speech), and a InterEar Feedback cancelling which helps reduce the whistling that sometimes happens with hearing aids.

The 440 is wirelessly connected when you use two hearing aids. The two devices work together to help hear speech more effectively. The InterEar aspect is helpful in that the two aids don’t work as separate units, as older aids did, but as a one.

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